XDG shell in depth

So far we’ve managed to display something on-screen in a top-level application window, but there’s more to XDG shell that we haven’t fully appreciated yet. Even the simplest application would be well-served to implement the configuration lifecycle correctly, and xdg-shell offers useful features to more complex application as well. The full breadth of xdg-shell’s feature set includes client/server negotiation on window size, multi-window hierarchies, client-side decorations, and semantic positioning for windows like context menus.

到目前为止,我们已经成功地在顶级应用程序窗口中在屏幕上显示了一些东西,但是 XDG shell 还有更多我们还没有完全理解的东西。 即使是最简单的应用程序也可以很好地正确实现配置生命周期, 而 xdg-shell 也为更复杂的应用程序提供了有用的功能。 xdg-shell 的全部功能集包括客户端/服务器 协商窗口大小、多窗口层次结构、客户端装饰和上下文菜单等窗口的语义定位。
