Globals & the registry

If you’ll recall from chapter 2.1, each request and event is associated with an object ID, but thus far we haven’t discussed how objects are created. When we receive a Wayland message, we must know what interface the object ID represents to decode it. We must also somehow negotiate available objects, the creation of new ones, and the assigning of IDs to them, in some manner. On Wayland we solve both of these problems at once — when we bind an object ID, we agree on the interface used for it in all future messages, and stash a mapping of object IDs to interfaces in our local state.

回想一下 2.1 章节的内容:每个 “请求” 和 “事件” 都会与一个 object ID 相关联,不过到目前为止, 我们都还没有讨论过这些 object 是如何创建出来的。当我们收到一个 Wayland 消息时,我们必须清楚该消息中的 object ID 具体对应的是哪个接口,这样才能对该消息进行正确地解码。我们还必须以某种方式协商哪些对象是已经存在且可用的,哪些是需要新创建的, 以及为这些对象分配新的 ID。在 Wayland 中我们同时解决了这两个问题 — 当我们 bind(绑定) 到某个 object ID 时, 我们也就确定了后续所有消息的操作接口,并且会在本地状态(local state)中保存一份 object ID 到 interface 的映射表。

In order to bootstrap these, the server offers a list of global objects. These globals often provide information and functionality on their own merits, but most often they’re used to broker additional objects to fulfill various purposes — such as the creation of application windows. These globals themselves also have their own object IDs and interfaces, which we have to assign and agree upon somehow.

为了实现这些操作,server 端为我们提供了一个 全局对象 列表(global object)。这些全局对象通常会根据它们自己的特点来提供 相应的信息和功能,但大多数情况下,它们用于代理其他对象,以实现更多的功能 — 例如创建应用程序窗口。同样的,这些全局对象本身 也有它们自己的 object ID 和 interface,因此我们仍然需要以某种方式来分配这些 ID,并通过这些 interface 来和 server 端进行交互。

With questions of hens and eggs no doubt coming to mind by now, I’ll reveal the secret trick: object ID 1 is already implicitly assigned to the wl_display interface when you make the connection. As you’ll recall the interface, take note of the wl_display::get_registry request:

此时此刻,你一定想到了鸡和蛋的问题,别担心,我这就为你揭开谜底:当建立连接时,object ID 1 就已经被悄悄地 分配给了 wl_display 接口了。现在让我们一起来回顾一下 wl_display 这个接口吧,请注意留心 wl_display::get_registry 这个请求:

<interface name="wl_display" version="1">
  <request name="sync">
    <arg name="callback" type="new_id" interface="wl_callback" />

  <request name="get_registry">
    <arg name="registry" type="new_id" interface="wl_registry" />

  <!-- cotd -->

The wl_display::get_registry request can be used to bind an object ID to the wl_registry interface, which is the next one found in wayland.xml. Given that the wl_display always has object ID 1, the following wire message ought to make sense (in big-endian):

wl_display::get_registry 请求用于绑定一个 object ID 到 wl_registry 接口(该接口在 wayland.xml 中的位置仅次于 wl_display 接口)。由于 wl_display 的 object ID 总是 1 ,因此下面的消息协议在实际案例中 是真实存在的(请注意,这里使用大端模式来表示):

C->S    00000001 000C0001 00000002            .... .... ....

When we break this down, the first number is the object ID. The most significant 16 bits of the second number are the total length of the message in bytes, and the least significant bits are the request opcode. The remaining words (just one) are the arguments. In short, this calls request 1 (0-indexed) on object ID 1 (the wl_display), which accepts one argument: a generated ID for a new object. Note in the XML documentation that this new ID is defined ahead of time to be governed by the wl_registry interface:

让我们逐步分解这段字符,第一个数字是对象 ID。第二个数字的最高 16 位是消息的总长度(以字节为单位), 最低有效位是请求(request)的操作码。剩下的最后一个是参数。简而言之,这在对象 ID 1(wl_display)上调用请求 1(索引从 0 开始), 它接收一个参数:为新对象生成的 ID。请注意,在 XML 文档中,这个新 ID 是提前定义的,由 wl_registry 接口管理:

<interface name="wl_registry" version="1">
  <request name="bind">
    <arg name="name" type="uint" />
    <arg name="id" type="new_id" />

  <event name="global">
    <arg name="name" type="uint" />
    <arg name="interface" type="string" />
    <arg name="version" type="uint" />

  <event name="global_remove">
    <arg name="name" type="uint" />

It is this interface which we’ll discuss in the following chapters.

