XKB, briefly

The next input device on our list is keyboards, but we need to stop and give you some additional context before we discuss them. Keymaps are an essential detail involved in keyboard input, and XKB is the recommended way of handling them on Wayland.

When you press a key on your keyboard, it sends a scancode to the computer, which is simply a number assigned to that physical key. On my keyboard, scancode 1 is the Escape key, the ‘1’ key is scancode 2, ‘a’ is 30, Shift is 42, and so on. I use a US ANSI keyboard layout, but there are many other layouts, and their scancodes differ. On my friend’s German keyboard, scancode 12 produces ‘ß’, while mine produces ‘-‘.

To solve this problem, we use a library called “xkbcommon”, which is named for its role as the common code from XKB (X KeyBoard) extracted into a standalone library. XKB defines a huge number of key symbols, such as XKB_KEY_A, and XKB_KEY_ssharp (ß, from German), and XKB_KEY_kana_WO (を, from Japanese).

Identifying these keys and correlating them with key symbols like this is only part of the problem, however. ‘a’ can produce ‘A’ if the shift key is held down, ‘を’ is written as ‘ヲ’ in Katakana mode, and while there is strictly speaking an uppercase version of ‘ß’, it’s hardly ever used and certainly never typed. Keys like Shift are called modifiers, and groups like Hiragana and Katakana are called groups. Some modifiers can latch, like Caps Lock. XKB has primitives for dealing with all of these cases, and maintains a state machine which tracks what your keyboard is doing and figures out exactly which Unicode codepoints the user is trying to type.

Using XKB

So how is xkbcommon actually used? Well, the first step is to link to it and grab the header, xkbcommon/xkbcommon.h.1 Most programs which utilize xkbcommon will have to manage three objects:

  • xkb_context: a handle used for configuring other XKB resources
  • xkb_keymap: a mapping from scancodes to key symbls
  • xkb_state: a state machine that turns key symbols into UTF-8 strings

The process for setting this up usually goes as follows:

  1. Use xkb_context_new to create a new xkb_context, passing it XKB_CONTEXT_NO_FLAGS unless you’re doing something weird.
  2. Obtain a key map as a string.*
  3. Use xkb_keymap_new_from_string to create an xkb_keymap for this key map. There’s only one key map format, XKB_KEYMAP_FORMAT_TEXT_V1, which you’ll pass for the format parameter. Again, unless you’re doing something weird, you’ll use XKB_KEYMAP_COMPILE_NO_FLAGS for the flags.
  4. Use xkb_state_new to create an xkb_state with your keymap. The state will increment the refcount for the keymap, so use xkb_keymap_unref if you’re done with it yourself.
  5. Obtain scancodes from a keyboard.*
  6. Feed the scancodes into xkb_state_key_get_one_sym to get keysyms, and into xkb_state_key_get_utf8 to get UTF-8 strings. Tada!
* These steps are discussed in the next section.

In terms of code, the process looks like the following:

#include <xkbcommon/xkbcommon.h> // -lxkbcommon
/* ... */

const char *keymap_str = /* ... */;

/* Create an XKB context */
struct xkb_context *context = xkb_context_new(XKB_CONTEXT_NO_FLAGS);

/* Use it to parse a keymap string */
struct xkb_keymap *keymap = xkb_keymap_new_from_string(
    xkb_context, keymap_str, XKB_KEYMAP_FORMAT_TEXT_V1,

/* Create an XKB state machine */
struct xkb_state *state = xkb_state_new(keymap);

Then, to process scancodes:

int scancode = /* ... */;

xkb_keysym_t sym = xkb_state_key_get_one_sym(xkb_state, scancode);
if (sym == XKB_KEY_F1) {
    /* Do the thing you do when the user presses F1 */

char buf[128];
xkb_state_key_get_utf8(xkb_state, scancode, buf, sizeof(buf));
printf("UTF-8 input: %s\n", buf);

Equipped with these details, we’re ready to tackle processing keyboard input.


  1. xkbcommon ships with a pc file: use pkgconf --cflags xkbcommon and pkgconf --libs xkbcommon, or your build system’s preferred way of consuming pc files.